Current Crisis Future Harm/Criminalisation of Polygamy

On the Human and life long Fiscal Cost of Heightened Criminalisation of Polygamy

I think this long existant law, not Polygamy, long has been inherently cruel to women who have functional husbands and a country and farms and houses and children as their great grandparents did. I think access to polygamous families, people Canadians might find they like. If removal and different surroundings would change their beliefs and the conformation of their families but no measure now, tried previously has ever worked.


…in vast urban populations polls and votes may not reflect the will of rural polygamous families and be a mistaken use of public funds. If children are found to be truly abused, they should be relocated to more functional FLDS families by social workers. The Geneva Convention forbids removal of one group’s children into another. Help is always cheaper than force. These people are farmers–in Bountiful and right across the grain belt. It is no time to be forbidding farmers to farm and putting them away in jails at a great expense to the government.

At WHAT COST for how long?

Cities need food, better and cheaper food and that’s what these polygamous folks have to offer. No one can tell you how many there are–they stopped keeping track of themselves a long time, maybe one and a half Centuries ago, because of persecution.

They did not know polygamy was illegal in Canada, their destination.They certainly did not leave on such an arduous trek thinking they would be arrested at its end. It would be a harder relocation now. There are many peaceful and harmless people in the world who will not fight unless their backs are against the wall and you are putting these farmers and lumber company workers backs against the wall at your expense. Family sizes will shrink with time. A national incentive to those who have fewer children and other moderate measures will work better than rhetoric and force.

I have lived in Canada, many years ago, with a husband who had a geophysics job. We enjoyed it. At the time we had money. These are loyal and industrious citizens. If they need the help of Social Workers, these are citizens who have contributed to the Canadian economy and paid taxes for more than a hundred years. Legal proceedings and enforcement may seem inexpensive, but no long term costs have been counted.


So you put all the parents in jail for 17 years. The children be angry for the rest of their lives and this will be hard for any
“reform minded” foster parent to accept. They will be persecuted as Jewish children have been for the past few thousand years, a new and alien religion will be offered to them over and over while while their religion includes Polygamy, they know it. Their religion is all they have to hold onto of their former lives, particularly if their lives were happy.

I am just LDS, but I know how different I am than people who are the majority however I conceal it. And I see that both the KKK and the Salvation are Christians. So their is no majority religions, only groupings that make it seem so. There can be alliances. These are in the main the only tie short of Genocide, and some form of Genocide often results. Foster care is very, very expensive, about 2,000 a month for a Foster Care mother of four. Hard to place children get the most marginally appropriate homes. If they are lucky it may become a good home that doesn’t fit the stereotype or model of perfect, or even good home.

The unlucky may be forced to live in societies’ social and ethical latrines unless they will recant. In US and the Old Commonwealth, as adults, as with other abstinence cultures, the rate of Alcoholism among those who drink is 50%. There will be more imprisoned for life
after interventions than before intervention. And in the time of war and returning ill Vets who need beds, about 30% will be ill, many for life who would have thrived if way back when they had been left unmolested.

One Comment to “Current Crisis Future Harm/Criminalisation of Polygamy”

  1. Ah, Heloise and Abelard. And then there was Will Durant and his 14 year old student, she wrote an intriguing autobiography–should it be “Confessions of a Child Bride” and Will Durant would have spent his life behind bars instead of with his bride, writing the many volumed “History of the World. This is where the syllogistic reasoning comes in. If Abelard became a Abbot and Theologian, does that mean that all older husbands will? That is what they thought in MK ULTRA except that they really were pedophiles at MK ULTRA. If they found pedophiles they exploited them,
    convincingly that infant rape was a Patriotic Duty.

    Mitt Romney’s father brought the big Artichoke to the LDS. I’m fairly sure that Mitt knew nothing at the time, but does now. It would be interesting to ask him, off the record, when not in a Campaign year, he might answer.

    Source, Cathy O’Brian

    I’m thinking our Malaysian Child Bride’s mother may have been relieved
    that she would live to see her child with a husband with a good job, able to take care of her. A case sure to evoke more relevant responses in Malaysia than North of the Mexican Border where there is Genocide happening as we speak. They don’t call them the machiladora murders anymore. You pay up or everybody dies. How many Jonestowns does that equal bimonthly?

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